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26th Sep 2019

Multiple Activity Events

There are many different kinds of activities and events that stores can run, and we have some to suit all types of stores detailed here on the Retailers Network website.

There are many different kinds of activities and events that stores can run, and we have some to suit all types of stores detailed here on the Retailers Network website.

From the simplest that any store can run (Adeptus Astartes / Create a Stormhost / Painting Competitions are all detailed/supported in the Resources section under Running Activities), through to involved events hosted instore including tournaments and the like.

Often multiple activities can be brought together to form grand event days, or indeed event weeks (great for the school holidays). As an example of what’s possible you can find in the Resources section (under Running Activities), the guidance and support materials for ‘Tank Shock’, an event (for Warhammer 40,000) that involves multiple different activities brought together under a single theme.

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